
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Haish mansion postcards

Haish mansion postcard. Click image to enlarge. | Courtesy of Eva Johnson, "TheFamilyLibrarian"
Haish mansion postcard. Click image to enlarge. | Courtesy of Eva Johnson, "TheFamilyLibrarian"
Thanks to Eva Johnson, curator of an incredible DeKalb County postcards Flickr site, for sharing these postcards with us. See her collection by clicking HERE

Monday, March 20, 2023

Jacob Haish Company invoices

These invoices from the Jacob Haish Company were shared with us by Shawn Rogers. These are from a machinery dealer and repair shop in Newark, Illinois. The shop was started in 1911 and the owner bought from most companies in northern Illinois, Rogers said. So much can be learned from some simple receipts and invoices! 

Click images to enlarge. Big thanks to Shawn Rogers for sharing these with us.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Jacob Haish State Bank Savings Ledger Book

In 1884, Jacob Haish started a bank, where he served as president. This savings ledger is part of the collection at the DeKalb County History Center archives. This book appears to have been used between 1912-1914.

See more articles related to Haish's bank by clicking HERE