
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Image of young Sophia Haish

Local historian Steve Bigolin provided this image of a young Sophia Haish, Jacob's wife. Steve recalls that it was printed as part of a publication by the First United Methodist Church of DeKalb. Sophia's age or the date of the image is unknown.

A young Sophia Haish | Image provided by Stephen Bigolin

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Obituary for Jacob's father

Below is the obituary for Christian Haish, Jacob's father, as printed in the Feb. 13, 1891, edition of the Bucyrus Journal.

Christian Haish lived much of his life in the Bucyrus, Ohio area. Clearly displayed in this document was Christian's generosity, a trait that he surely passed on to his son Jacob.

I have researched the "Haishtown" that is mentioned below and have even worked with the Bucyrus Historical Society, but no information has been uncovered regarding this area.

Click the photo to enlarge or read the text below the image.

Christian Haish obituary
"Christian Haish died at his home on Cemetery Street, Monday, Feb. 9 at 3 p.m. of infirmities incident to old age, in his eighty-eighth year. The funeral [taking] place Wednesday at 2 p.m. provided the friends from a distance who may desire to be present shall have arrived at that time.

Mr. Haish was born in Baden [Germany] and spent his early life there. He emigrated with his family to this country about sixty years ago, and has been a resident of this place most of the time since, though in the interval having lived a few years in Illinois. He was twice married and twice widowed. Seventeen children were born to him, ten of whom, so far as is known, are living. His only children here at present are his son John and daughter Mrs. A. Holm. A number of them are living in the Western States, one of whom, at least, is a prominent and wealthy manufacturer, holding some of the most valuable patents on barbed fencing wire. Besides these some of the grand-children are prominent in their respective professions.

Mr. Haish has accumulated considerable property here, which, however, because of the old gentleman's compassionate nature, has not been very remunerative. He was the proprietor of that part of Cemetery Street known as Haishtown, where he owned a number of houses; and when a family became too poor or too indolent to pay rent they naturally drifted in that direction, and his houses were always filled up, but in some cases he did not receive a dollar in the way of rent on a house for years. When expostulated by members of the family for enduring this condition of things his reply always was 'Well, they must live, even if they can't pay in rent.' Aside from the immediate relatives, the loss of this class of people will be most severely felt.

During his last illness, of a week's duration, he has been tenderly ministered to by Mrs. Holm, while sympathizing neighbors have assisted his son John in looking after the comfort of the kind hearted old man, in such ways as they could."

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Another photo of the Haish mansion

Can you ever really have too many images of the beautiful (and long gone) Jacob Haish mansion? I was so happy to see this one this week. Enjoy!

Photograph of the Jacob Haish mansion, year unknown. | Courtesy of the DeKalb County History Center Archives

To see stories and photos related to the Haish mansion, click here

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Haish featured in History Center's latest exhibit

I visited the DeKalb County History Center to tour their latest exhibit "The History of DeKalb County in 100 Objects," and I was pleasantly surprised to find Jacob Haish featured throughout the exhibit!

To learn more about the museum's "100 Objects" exhibit, click here.

Barbed wire creators on display, including Henry Rose of Waterman. Click photo to enlarge. | Photo by Jessi LaRue 

Barbed wire display | Photo by Jessi LaRue

Close-up of barbed wire samples from the three barons | Photo by Jessi LaRue

Text accompanying the barbed wire display | Photo by Jessi LaRue

Newspaper clipping mentions the famous county fair, where Glidden, Haish and Ellwood saw Rose's fencing exhibit | Photo by Jessi LaRue

A model of Henry Rose's fencing display. This fencing inspired Haish, Ellwood and Glidden to apply barbs directly to wire, rather than wood fencing. | Photo by Jessi LaRue

A patent section in the exhibit mentioned Sophia Haish, Jacob's wife, who patented her own improvements on the safety pin! Click the photo to enlarge. | Photo by Jessi LaRue

To read more about Henry Rose's story, click here

To learn more about Sophia Haish's safety pin patent, click here