
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Haish barbed wire splice

Spliced Haish's S-Barb Wire | Photo by Jessi LaRue

This is a piece of Haish's "original large S-Barb" wire, with a special twist.

From the original eBay listing:

"This wire features two round line wires twisted together. ... This sample also features a factory one-line splice, with wrapped out ends."

Wire is spliced by twisting two separate wires together, usually to connect the end of one roll of wire to the next. This video explains how wire can be spliced.

As this is a splice that was done in-factory, rather than by someone repairing or installing barbed wire fencing, it makes the piece especially interesting and unique.

Thanks to Kevin Haish for sharing this unique piece of Haish history.

Spliced Haish's S-Barb Wire | Photo by Jessi LaRue 

Spliced Haish's S-Barb Wire | Photo by Jessi LaRue