
Saturday, April 1, 2017

More About The Old Timers Here

The below article was printed in the June 19, 1915, edition of the Daily Chronicle. It was a follow-up to the article in which Haish claimed he was the oldest living resident in DeKalb.

Jacob Haish Writes The Chronicle Concerning the Early Days
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Still Thinks He Is It One
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Joins With All of the Rest of the Claimants for the Honor in Saying That He Has Enjoyed it Here

The following letter from Jacob Haish is self explanatory. Apparently there seems to be no doubt that Mrs. Mary Huntley King, who was born in 1846 on North First Street, within two blocks of Main Street, is our oldest residenter, but we can all unite with Mr. Haish's statement that he has "had a good time" here and hope that he and all of the rest of our old settlers will be with us many more years.

The Chronicle still thinks that some kind of a social affair each year for our old settlers would be a grand good thing.

Mr. Haish says:

DeKalb, Illinois, June 18, 1915.
Editor DeKalb Chronicle, DeKalb, Illinois.

Dear Sir,
In your paper the other evening I note several of our old residents are taking issue with me as to my being the oldest living resident in point of years spent in DeKalb.

Now, I am positive there is a misunderstanding on their part. I meant to convey the idea that I came here in 1853 and made no reference to others living in the county at that time. I do, however, contend I am the oldest resident from a standpoint of years spent in the corporate limits of DeKalb as well as the oldest resident from the same standpoint that came from outside of the county.

I do not dispute the fact others were born in the vicinity of DeKalb and maybe still living prior to my coming.

After my arrival, others, such as the Bradts, Sweets, Brookings, Garner, Newitt, Ralph, Bristow families. 

I might also state there was no corporation at that time, as it required a certain number of people living here at the time I came to incorporate, and it was sometime afterwards before the necessary number came in order to allow us to do so.

As I look in the matter it does not matter to me who is who but I will say that I have had my residence in DeKalb a " Hallelujah, Rattlety Bang Grand Good Time" and am happy to say I am still on my feet.

Yours very truly,
Jacob Haish

Article provided by the Joiner History Room.

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