
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Jacob Haish reflects on his donations

Jacob Haish | Photo courtesy of Joiner History Room
The article below was printed in the Dec. 5, 1885, edition of the Sycamore True Republican:
"That was a grandly liberal gift of yours --- that $50,000 to the Denver Orphan Asylum," --- we said to Mr. Haish of DeKalb.

"No, I don't know as it was. I have made more liberal gifts." 

"Ah! When?"

"Thirty years ago, when they were building the first church at DeKalb, I subscribed $30, and worked it out by day's work. That was more liberal than this. Then I gave what I hadn't got; now I give what I have, and can give it without troubling me. Why; how much did you ever give away at once?"

"Well, let's see; I gave $140 toward a church and lot."

"Ah, then, I venture to say you were three times as liberal as I was. I shall have to give again to be as liberal as some of my townspeople who give their tens and twenties. And I mean to do it. Wife and I have been thinking this long time that it is better to dispose of our property during our life-time while we can see some good of it than to wait for our successors to quarrel over it."

Perhaps we err in publishing this fragment of a private conversation, but there is something so noble about his unselfish view of the right use of his property that we could not refrain.
Thanks to the Joiner History Room for sharing this article.

1 comment:

  1. As always, a very informative article. Thank you so much, Jessi!!
